Friday, October 23, 2009

Cat People

You know some. I know some. I am one. I love all animals, really, but cats have a special spot in me that I know others can relate to.

There is endless evidence of our love of cats and what we do to and with them to entertain ourselves...and them. Lots of folks know about ('Lolcats'), but before Lolcats, there was I have them both bookmarked for whenever I need a laugh, guests are over and there's a need for quick entertainment, or whenever the creative juices are flowing. You can add your own captions to pictures and share them, but mostly both sites just make me laugh. Any cat person can relate.

There are a couple of videos I really like because they hit close to how cats truly behave, and how we (cat people) perceive them to behave. There's Sparta: , or the 'Mean Kitty' song. This guy made a great video and song for his new kitty...very appropriate. And there's Simon's Cat: , a series of cartoons that are so true to what cats do to their humans that it's hard to imagine anyone doing a better job. Watch them all.... the one with the fly is my favourite.

Cat people never shut up when in company of other cat people, but that's ok. Cat people understand; besides...we're often telling each other stories we've already experienced. The fun part is knowing that other cat people have similar cat experiences.

So, when you come across cat art that hits you (if you're a cat person) in that "Holy crap, that's MY cat!" spot, it's hard to resist. From bad kitties like this one from cathypeng: or this one from bingbangdesigns:, to sad kitties from hollandarts: and even clever kitties from cathypeng again:, the good, crafty folk at etsy have us covered.

I know there are lots of other places cat people can get their cat fixes on, but I'm big on supporting etsy. And if some of the above linked itmes are sold already, just poke around their shops, as I'm sure they have other cat related goodies for sale.

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